The Brussels Brontë Group organises meetings and events in Brussels throughout the year, including an annual weekend of events around the date of Charlotte Brontë’s birthday (21 April). We organise occasional Guided walks around Brontë places in Brussels. Our Reading group specialises in 19th century literature (not just the Brontës!).

Programme of events 2024-25

Registration essential for all events. To register, please use the Contact Form on this website.


Saturday 12 October 2024 (morning)

Université Saint-Louis, Rue du Marais 119, 1000 Brussels

Registration essential.

10.00 Talk by Joanne Wilcock: ‘In the Footsteps of the Brontës in the North of England’

Joanne Wilcock will give an illustrated presentation on places in the North of England with Brontë connections.

Joanne teaches French and Spanish at schools in Lancashire and is a Brontë enthusiast and blogger. She travels tirelessly to places with Brontë associations and is the author of two information-packed blogs, one on her ‘Travels with the Brontës’ and the other an account of her trip on the honeymoon trail of Charlotte Brontë and Arthur Bell Nicholls in Ireland.

11.30 Talk by Sara Zadrozny: ‘Examining landscape, weather and emotions in three Brontë novels’

The Brontës’ shared love of nature is ever-present in their work, but for them, landscape is not just a backdrop to events: on the contrary, the Brontës’ use of flora, fauna and weather is used to present feeling. This connection between mood and nature is evident in three of the Brontë novels but is used in differing ways.

For example, in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847), a verdant garden becomes representative of female passion. In Wuthering Heights (1847), Emily Brontë displays the moors as an unbounded stage where love may exist beyond societal rules. For Anne Brontë, it is the kindness of the natural world that draws attention to ‘unnatural’ cruelty in the abusive human world, as illustrated in her work The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848).

In this talk, Sara will draw upon these three novels, aiming to show how the otherwise Realist fiction of the Brontë sisters adheres to earlier Romantic ideas of nature, and does so to communicate emotional responses to social injustices.

Sara Zadrozny researches and teaches Victorian Literature with a focus on gender, the body and the Gothic. She is a tutor at the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education where she teaches on the Brontës. Sara has published articles on Victorian attitudes towards ageing women and medicine in the nineteenth century. Currently, she is researching the Brontës’ presentation of wildness, bereavement and maternity.

Christmas lunch and entertainment

Saturday 7 December 2024 (date to be confirmed)

Presentations by members of the Brussels Brontë Group

Saturday 15 February 2025 (morning)

Université Saint-Louis, Rue du Marais 119, 1000 Brussels

Registration essential.

10.00 Presentation by Stavroula Kremmydiotou on the supernatural in Brontë novels

11.30 Presentation on Éleonore Desclee’s novel Charlotte in Love

Presentation of Éleonore Desclee’s novel Charlotte in Love (publication date September 2024), with readings from the book. The novel is in French but the presentation will be in English and the readings in English translation.


Saturday 10 May 2025 (morning)

Université Saint-Louis, Rue du Marais 119, 1000 Brussels.

Registration essential.

10.00 Talk by Nick Holland (subject to be announced)

Nick Holland is well known for his books on various members of the Brontë family. He is the author of In Search of Anne Brontë, Emily Brontë – A Life in 20 poems and Aunt Branwell and the Brontë Legacy. A new book, about Charlotte Brontë and her best friend Ellen Nussey, is to be published in April 2025.

He is also the author of the blog In Search of Anne Brontë in which he writes weekly posts about the Brontës and their circle.

11.30 Speaker and talk to be announced

Guided walk

Sunday 11 May 2025

10.00-12.00. Guided walk around Brontë places in Brussels in the Place Royale area. Registration essential.

Summer Lunch

Saturday 14 June 2025


Other events of interest

Past events